Presbyopia Causes, Symptoms, Treatments
There are many eye problems that a person may face as he or she gets older. Cataracts are a big one, of course, and one that you may have heard of quite a bit. There is another major eye problem, however, that you need to keep in mind. This one is called presbyopia. At our Virgin Islands LASIK surgery center, we have plenty of ways for helping people deal with presbyopia and other vision problems.
It is first a good idea to go over the basics of presbyopia. Presbyopia occurs when the lens of the eye hardens with age. Generally, presbyopia will start to happen around age 40 or so. You will notice that it is particularly difficult to focus on objects that are within arm’s length. Reading can pose major problems, causing you to need more light in order to discern the words. Eye strain can be quite common for people with presbyopia due to the effort required.
There are many different treatments for presbyopia ranging from corrective lenses to Virgin Islands intraocular lenses. In some cases, refractive surgery can be used to improve the vision. Many people do opt for simply getting glasses or contact lenses, which are quite helpful, no doubt. But in order to avoid the hassle of cleaning out your contacts or taking care of your eyeglasses, many find the surgical route to be more convenient.
Determining which treatment for presbyopia is best for you and your needs is not something that can be done online. If you are interested in getting better vision and clearer vision, it is important that you visit our office to schedule a complete eye exam and consultation.
Should you have presbyopia and would like to improve your vision and enhance your quality of life, we encourage you to contact our Virgin Islands laser vision correction centers. During an eye exam at our office, we will be able to help you enhance your vision.