Hyperopia Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Some vision problems require major invasive treatments and procedures in order to restore and enhance the vision of a patient. Other vision problems, however, are generally easy to remedy through the use of corrective lenses or laser vision correction like LASIK or PRK. Hyperopia is one such common vision problem that our Puerto Rico LASIK center deals with regularly. Thankfully treatment for this vision problem is generally simple.
Hyperopia is more commonly known as farsightedness. This is a vision condition in which it is easier to see objects that are far away rather than objects that are close up. This is the opposite of myopia (more commonly known as nearsightedness). In some cases, hyperopia is accompanied by astigmatism.
Hyperopia happens when the eye is too short. This causes light passing through the eye and focus images at point behind the retina rather than on the retina. Most times, hyperopia has a genetic component to it, meaning that if your parents had hyperopia, you are likely to have hyperopia as well.
As noted above, hyperopia is usually not that difficult to treat, and there are many different treatment options for hyperopia.
One treatment option is to get corrective lenses, such as contact lenses or eyeglasses. The other option is to undergo refractive surgery. Refractive surgery treatments such as LASIK and Puerto Rico PRK will alter the shape of the cornea’s curvature to ensure that light properly focuses on the retina. Not everyone is a good candidate for refractive surgery, however, so it’s important to visit our eye care center to learn if it is the best option for you and your needs.
If you would like more information on hyperopia treatments and refractive surgery options, be sure to contact our Virgin Islands LASIK center. We are always happy to discuss treatment options in greater detail.